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Foxy links - Online cartoon foxes!
A list of my favourite Online Cartoons - with foxes in leading or supporting roles...
The World of Vicki Fox
by Michael Russell and Laura Howell
Faux Pas (Pronounced American fashion:Fox Paws!) - Cutest foxes on the web! by Margaret and Robert Carsprecken
Ozy & Millie by D.C. Simpson
from the Mynarski Forest - the adventures of your favourite cunning little vixen
...and the nervous rabbit who tolerates her!
by Richard T. Matheson
 StupidFox is a fox.
He is also the main character in the series of comic strips drawn by Emily Y. Chan.
StupidFox originated from a sketch of a cartoon fox in Emily’s high school notebook.
A remark from classmate who said the character was "stupid-looking" eventually propelled it to become the 4-panel comic series it is now.
(Read also "College Catastrophe"
"Nine to Nine" whitch is a continuation of College Catastrophe!)

"VixenLogic" - A slice of life comic set in the sunny city of Calina!
Sabrina-Online by Eric W. Schwartz - An internet tradition since 1996!
Sabrina is not a fox, I know...
...but her friend Amy the Squirrel has a husband who is half fox and half wolf -
Kind of an interesting combination, zoologically speaking...
Twokinds is a webcomic that takes place in a world conflicted with racial tension,
primarily between the human-like Humans and the animal-like Keidran. They have dramatically different
societies and ideas on how to live and act. It is because of these differences that the two races are almost
always in some form of conflict.
Simply Panda Jenn
Story by Ross Snyder, Art by Jennifer Carnivele
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