In English and Swedish! < LANGUAGE SELECTION >
And now for the spoiler...
Our heroines decide to become the first female
Firefoxes! The Fire Captain disagrees...
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Your dream has come true! Here's a completely nude foxy vixen:
(With the possible exception of some long lasting mental scars, no animals
were harmed in any ways in the process of drawing this picture!)
This is not the End of our adventures! It's not even the beginning of the End!
You can accompany us on a tour to South America in the Next Chapter:
9. Firevixens: The South American Tour
Our heroines, Rickelina
and Slugelina get convinced by their wild cousins to accompany them on a tour to South America. Unfortunatley enough, their plane crashes in the jungle...
or You can read the or You can choose among other foxy adventures in the Archive!
700+ Comic Pages in the Fox Archive!
If you for some reason don't like foxes you might prefer
my other comic...